- Added:Jul 11, 2019
Triton project, call for the selection of two Apulian Municipalities as models of coastal management
Triton project, through Apulia Region (Lead partner) and ARTI, launches a public call for the selection of two Apulian coastal municipalities representing best practices for the contrast of coast erosion. Triton, funded by the Interreg VA Greece-Italy territorial cooperation program 2014/2020, is aimed at improving the integration of coastal zone management policies between Puglia Region and Western Greece, also in order to contribute to the mitigation of erosion phenomena. The pilot municipalities will benefit from the following project activities: production of a document describing their experience with respect to coastal planning and/or coastal erosion mitigation measures; production of an informative video clip of the same experience. Both will be promoted at regional and European level through the communication channels of the project partners. To participate, it is required to fill out an application, signed by the mayor of the Municipality concerned or by one of his delegates, complete with the Annex “Initiatives activated by the Municipality”, to be sent exclusively to PEC arti@pec.rupar.puglia.it within 12.00 of 2019/07/15 with this subject: “Triton Pilot”. The application form and the attachment are included in the [Notice].