Educational videos
Discover the Interreg Greece -Italy Triton educational videos!
Among the goals of the Triton project is that of improving the knowledge of citizens, administrators and stakeholders involved in coastal management for mitigating coastal erosion effects.
In this webpage and on the project Youtube channel, the educational videos on the theme are available: they have been realized during the Triton Summer school in Italy and Greece and the training days that were held last fall.
The Apulian and Western Greece coastlines are facing significant erosion impacts due to natural causes (extended fetches, stormy winds, high waves and strong currents) and man-induced causes (such as urban expansion, touristic development and single-purpose coastal and/or watershed infrastructures).
Some successful pilot study cases (in Patras, Bari and Ugento) for monitoring coastal erosion evolution, redeveloping coastal areas or reducing erosion effects have been carried out in both regions and this objective has been reached considering several different issues (i.e. geological, legal and economic ones); the same issues have been tackled during the Summer school and training days lessons: the content have been summarized in the videos.
TRITON educational videos: Coastal planning in Patras
Within the Triton project, the Gulf of Patras has been selected as a pilot area for the creation of the “Coastal Erosion Observatory” in the Region of Western Greece, because it is affected by relevant coastal erosion phenomena.
Climate change impacts across the shoreline, mapping and prioritization of coastal erosion risk in protected areas and influence on coastal morphodynamics are among the tests and studies that were performed in the selected pilot area.
The video shows the equipments and explains the methodology used for monitoring the coastal erosion evolution.
Video contributions of: Fokion Zaimis, Deputy Governor of Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation of Region of Western Greece Nikos Depountis, George Papatheodorou and Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, University of Patras.
TRITON educational videos: Coastal planning in Bari
The video deals with the redevelopment of the coastal area San Girolamo – Fesca in Bari, that has been selected as a pilot case within the Triton project because it represents an example of coastal planning.
The waterfront redevelopment in San Girolamo and Fesca affected approximately 1.7 Km of coast and rehabilitated the public spaces of two important neighborhoods of Bari.
The redevelopment is part of a much larger strategy of the local administration, that aims to redevelop the 42 Km of the Municipality of Bari coast, with the objective to link the coastline from the South to the North and to seek to rediscover a new relationship with the sea.
Shooting for the video has been realized during an International workshop and study visit held in Bari last fall.
Video interviews with Giuseppe Galasso, Municipality of Bari Minister of Infrastructure, Public Works, Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility, Giuseppe Tomasicchio, University of Salento, Professor of Coastal engineering.
TRITON educational videos: EIB Funds for ICZM’s intervention
The video of the Triton explains how the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) is an opportunity also for municipalities and stakeholders to approach the European Investment Bank funds dealing with different subjects. Some specific funds about coastal management are presented: Municipalities, public and private bodies can apply to these funds networked or individually.
Shooting for the video has been realized during an International workshop and study visit held in Bari last fall.
The video is an interview with Michela Cariglia, blue economy expert.
TRITON educational videos: Legislative issues and cross border cooperation
The fourth Triton educational video tackles the legislative issues related to the coastal planning and the cross border cooperation in Triton project between Apulia and Western Greece. The project carried out the identification of pilot cases whose experiences can be applied in other territories and studies for common a monitoring system of the erosion phenomena.
Shooting for the video has been realized during the Summer school and training days held in Patras and Bari last fall. During the lessons, lectures gave information on the regulatory framework on the theme of coastal planningand the contrast to the coastal erosion phenomenon. The accuracy of coastal planning can be a way to mitigate coastal erosion effects and also to develop sustainable economic activities related to the sea.
Video interviews with Giuseppe Pastore, Apulia Region Head of Internationalisation Division, Lara Marchetta. Lawyer specialized in Navigation law, Giuseppe delle Foglie, lawyer specialized in Navigation and transport law, Vincenzo Cellamare, lawyer specialized in Navigation and Transport Law, Marco Brocca, lawyer, PhD in Environmental and Resource Management Coastal Planning, professor of Administrative law at University of Salento, Olga Giannakitsidou, Environmental manager, Region of Western Greece.
TRITON educational videos: technical and geological issues
The fifth Triton educational video: technical and geological issues Coastal erosion is a complex phenomenon affecting natural and human systems including coastal economic activities. The fifth Triton educational video tackles the technical and geological issues related to coastal erosion assessment.
There are different vulnerability assessment methods to analyze climate change related impacts in coastal areas. One of the most applied tools is the coastal vulnerability index that allows the ranking of several areas according to their environmental and socio-economic vulnerability to extreme sea level scenarios.
Apulia Region coastline is ranked between moderate and high vulnerability score: this value is mainly due to a high shoreline evolution, but is also related to the socio-economic system.
In the framework of the Triton project, partners will combine this kind of methodology with complex systems in order to provide decision makers and stakeholders with effective and dynamic tools to analyze the shoreline evolution, in order to let them understand the hotspot risk area whereadaptation actions will be required.
Video interviews of: Elisa Furlan and Silvia Torresan, CMCC, Elias Fakiris, University of Patras, Simona Bramato, University of Salento and Specchia Municipality.
The video is realized within the Interreg Greece – Italy Triton, lead by Apulia Region with the technical support of ARTI.
TRITON educational videos: Coastal planning in Apulia
The sixth educational video of the Triton project provides information on coastal planning evolution in Apulia and explains the Regional Coastal Plan. It is a planning tool that regulates the use of maritime public areas, with the aim of guaranteeing the correct balance among the protection of the Apulian coastal environment and landscape, the free use and the development of tourist-recreational activities. The Regional Plan provides guidelines and criteria for the Municipalities coastal plans.
The video contains the interviews, recorded during an international workshop on the coastal management held in Bari last fall, of Nicolò Carnimeo, Professor of Navigation law at University of Bari, Giuseppe Roberto Tomasicchio, Professor of Coastal engineering at University of Salento, Giuseppe Forte, Coastal and Port public property division at Apulia Region.
Triton educational video on coastal planning in Ugento
Triton’s latest training video is online, presenting the actions implemented by the Municipality of Ugento, which have been as pilot case as part of the European project and selected, together with Bari, among the Apulian coastal municipalities.
In the coastal area of Ugento, significant bioengineering interventions have been implemented, with the twofold objective of protecting the landscape and mitigating the erosion effects. Among these, the dredging of the port, where the sediments are used for beach nourishment and to recreate the areas most affected by erosion. The use of beached posidonia is complementary to this action to restore the sand dunes. Another important hydraulic engineering intervention concerns the “Torre San Giovanni” fishing pier, in which the drainage canals (created in the last century to reclaim the marshy areas) have been modernized, with the aim of reducing marine currents and, creating naturalistic paths around canals, through the Litorale of Ugento regional natural park.
The interventions are illustrated by Massimo Lecci, mayor of the Municipality of Ugento, Luca Casciaro, head of the technical service of the Municipality of Ugento and Simona Bramato, an expert in coastal engineering, at the University of Salento and the Municipality of Specchia.
TRITON project final event
On July 2nd, 2020, the Final Event of the «TRITON» project was held online, with the aim of presenting the results of the project.