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It is available the brochure of the Triton project International Summer School “Sustainable management of coastal heritage and actions to mitigate coastal erosion” with the lesson plan, the target audience, teachers and logistics information. The Triton project Summer School is a high-level cross-border course, aimed at improving the skills of public administration staff and technicians involved in coastal management and mitigation actions to erosive phenomena. The Summer School is articulated in six days divided in two modules, one to be held in Western Greece and one in Puglia. a) The Western Greece module includes 2 days of lessons at the Museum of Science and Technology of University of Patras and a study visit to the Patraikos gulf (which is affected by relevant erosion phenomena), respectively on September 24, 25 and 26, 2019. b) The Puglia module includes 3 days of lessons in Bari on October 1, 2 and 3 and a study visit at the Bari pilot case, on October 1. The initiative is addressed to public officials, GIS technicians and operators, scholars and experts in the sector, with the twofold objective of expanding skills and exchanging transversal experiences at technical level (geological, engineering, landscape, administrative). The participation in the Summer School is for free. 16 students (8 Italians and 8 Greeks), selected through a call for expressions of interest, will benefit of travel and accommodation costs covering a maximum of 700 euros each. The new deadline for the application is CET 12:00 a.m., September 12, 2019. The call for expressions of interest to take part to the Triton Summer School is available at the following [link].